Adams County's Permanente Health Solution

Kaiser Permanente's much anticipated opening in Brighton was sparked with a gala event hosted by the Brighton Chamber of Commerce. The Event marked the formal introduction of Kaiser's services to the community.

Said Brighton's Mayor, Dick McLean, "Brighton now has a choice in healthcare." Currently, Kaiser services over 10,000 Brighton residents and now presents an ambulatory care facility right in their neighborhood (the nearest Kaiser facility would otherwise be in Westminster).

Kaiser's offerings also include their "KPStep" and Medicaid programs in conjunction with their already holistic medical care offerings (which feature services that include preventative care and nutrition).

"KPStep" is an innovative new service plan for qualifying patients under 34 in which Kaiser pays 95% of patient premiums. To find out if you qualify, visit the new Kaiser facility at: 859 S. Fourth Avenue, Brighton, CO. from 8am-5pm, or call (303) 338-4477.

Kaiser's Medicaid program is equally as innovative. Kaiser Permanente is currently accepting Medicaid and CHP+ Members. More than 20 Kaiser Permanente medical offices serve as Primary Care facilities for the low-cost Medicaid and CHP+ health insurance programs for families, children, and pregnant women. Apply today at: