Medical Waste Treatment Facility on Brighton Road on Track Despite Large Public Opposition...

Despite opposition from numerous residents, members of the ACSD#14 school board and the city of Commerce City, the Adams County Planning Commission, in a 4 to 3 vote. recommended approving a plan by Waste Solutions. This plan will put a medical-waste sterilization facility at 8620 Brighton Road. The closest residential lot is 1/10th of a mile away.

The applicant, Mike Magee of Waste Solutions, LLC, stated the operation will be highly regulated and of little danger to the population. The site would process regulated medical waste that includes syringes and bandages by steaming the material in an industrial autoclave, then packed up and shipped to a local landfill. According to Magee, no radioactive chemotherapy wastes or body parts would be accepted at this site.

The next step in this process is a final decision to be determined by the Adams County Commissioners on Sept 12th at 10am. One resident in attendance had the opinion that the Adams County Commissioners will vote in favor of this 2 to 1.

The meeting was very long and was filled with emotions. Planning board member Stew Mosko stated. "This is as close to hysteria as I think I've ever seen on an issue…" Commerce City mayor Paul Natale, not speaking as an official from the city stated, Mike Magee, the owner of Waste Solutions was "condescending" during the outreach meeting held in Commerce City and "The customer service in this meeting was horrible." Magee had a different view of the outreach meeting calling it “productive”.

Resident David Stallworth who has lived in the area since Easter Sunday, 1958 stated during his comment that the industrial-size steam autoclaves that will be utilized at the facility includes a first step of the process which uses a vacuum, which could cause potential contamination of the air.

Just some of the concerns, if the medical-waste sterilization facility comes to fruition included:
-Property values will be lowered
-No guarantee that some negative event could not happen
-The Health and Safety of the residents in the area
-The Health and Safety of the Mile High Market Place visitors (25,000 visitors a day during operation) should something happen
-The property is not required to have sidewalks, curb cuts or a turn lane
-What exactly is the material that is being processed, how does anyone even know?
-A potential pest issue, including mosquitoes, mice, etc.
-A school bus stop is very near to the facility, a potential danger to ACSD#14 children (reported there will be an increase in truck traffic, approximately 30 trips per day)
-Security of the site.

One issue that was highlighted was the question of how Wikiup Mobile Home Community, located right across from the proposed facility, was notified of the potential facility. A notice of the meetings was sent to the owner of the property, a company that is located in Chicago, IL. It seems the line of communication then had some challenges in getting to the actual residents. Magee did state that a meeting notice was posted at the mobile home community.